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Using Communication Tactics to Break Through the Glass Ceiling, with Elizabeth Bachman

Episode 40

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Elizabeth Bachman is THE go-to person for advanced level training in Speaking, Presentation Skills, Sales, and Leadership.

With a lifetime spent perfecting the art of presenting, she helps high-level clients master a message that brings the funding they need, the allies they want, and the recognition they deserve.

A nationally and internationally sought-after speaker and strategist in Silicon Valley, Elizabeth works with leaders and influencers who need to become concise and compelling presenters. She helps them present as smart, down-to-earth, friendly, and even funny – while still being taken seriously.

Elizabeth is also the host of the international podcast: Speakers Who Get Results, where she interviews experts on presentation skills, leadership, visibility, and cross-cultural communication.

Having spent over 30 years directing such luminaries as Luciano Pavarotti & Placido Domingo in more than 50 operas around the world, Elizabeth brings a wealth of tools to help business professionals become respected presenters. Fluent in 5 languages, she brings her global experience to her clients.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How the glass ceiling affects women in business, and the skills you need to overcome it
  • Valuable tips for addressing a language barrier when speaking or presenting
  • Elizabeth’s advice for giving a memorable and engaging speech
  • How Elizabeth takes communications from “boring to bravo”
  • The difference between single-focused and multi-focused people, and how it impacts women in particular
  • Why it’s helpful for women to have allies in the room, and how we can work to help each other be heard


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