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Making the Most of Your Internship with Will Taylor, Intern Extraordinaire

Episode 2

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In today’s episode host Lee Caraher talks with Double Forte Account Coordinator Will Taylor who started with the agency as an Intern. Will shares from his experience on how to rock your internship so you can leverage it into a full time job.

His key tips include.

  1. Do:If you can’t get a PR internship, work in customer service. You will learn so much about how to interact with customers for successful resolution – a key skill you need in PR and Social Media.
  2. Do: Work your network to get the internship.
  3. Do ask these questions so you can get the most out of your internship.
  4. Do: be open to different kinds of assignments. Interns who are willing to dive in, stand out.
  5. Do Pitch in.
  6. Don’t say no, or “I can’t.” Instead say “I’d love to help. I have these deadlines today, so if I can move them around I will jump in.”

You’ll enjoy listening to Will’s valuable lessons.

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