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How to Be Stylish at Work (with Mara Kolesas)

Episode 22

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Host Lee Caraher talks with professional stylist, fashion consultant, and founder of Good Fit Style Mara Kolesas. Mara has a wealth of work experience having been a university professor, United Nations consultant, and strategic planner for equity diversity at UC Berkeley.

In the episode Lee and Mara talk about style and Mara’s belief that how you dress says something about who you are.

Three style strategies they identify are.

  1. Focus on fit: Your clothes must be a good fit for your body, your lifestyle, and the industry you work in.
  2. Invest in two quality items. Women should own a good blazer and either a scarf or leather bag. Men should own a good blazer, and a good belt or pair of shoes.
  3. Know what not to wear to work including: sweatpants, flip-flops. T-shirts or un-tucked shirts, and anything with stains, wrinkles, and tears.

Resource: GoodFitStyle

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