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How to Be a PR Boss (with Kimberly Strenk)

Episode 18

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In this episode of Everything Speaks, Lee Caraher talks to Kimberly Strenk, founder and president of Five Two SQ Integrated Public Relations, a firm that works with premium specialty brands. Together Lee and Kimberly review some great tips for how to maximize your first internship or job in public relations for the rest of your career.

They discuss the pros and cons of working in an agency vs. working in-house at the start of your career. An internal corporate job gives you access to executives, but you are often an island  – the only one focused on PR. Starting at an agency may mean more administrative work to start out, but you get access to other professionals in your industry from whom you can learn.

Key takeaways:

  • PR can sometimes feel like it operates in a vacuum but you should always be aware of the bigger picture. Understand what’s happening with the business, with your boss, and with your clients.
  • Always play against any existing stereotypes people may have about you. PR practitioners are often underestimated. Be prepared and confident when you walk in the room. Understand the business drivers, not just the communication issues.
  • When you are making career choices, always chose the decision that will make you a more interesting person. This will fuel your creativity, and make your life more satisfying too.
  • Attend as many meetings in-person as you can.

Resources: Five Two SQ

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