
Three Tips for Your Social Media & Your Job

Social Media at Work - Know The PolicyBefore Social Media it was so much easier to separate your work from your personal life, but not so anymore. With Social Media, sharing your personal life can now impact your job, and usually more negatively than positively. It’s smart to assume that anything you put on any social network is for public viewing.

To make sure your social life lived out loud on Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Musically and the whole host of other social networks doesn’t get you fired, take note!

3 Good-To-Follow Guidelines for Social Media

  1. Your company probably has a social media policy. Read it. Adhere to it. Really.
  2. Don’t be a bully. If you use social media to harass, intimidate or bully a coworker, customer or someone in public, expect to lose your job. No racial, ethnic or religious slurs, no threats, no sexual taunts or innuendo.
  3. Don’t criticize your company or your boss, your clients or your colleagues on social media….no matter how private you think it is.

So common sense rules the day!

Everything Speaks!

ProTip: Conference Calls Are Always “Live”

Conference Calls Are Always LiveWe’ve all been there – waiting on conference calls for everyone to get on the call. And someone shares something inappropriate thinking just his or her friends are listening.

And then a voice comes over the speaker “I’m here.” And the “I can hear crickets” silence while everyone gulps.

The conference call is the not the time or place to share the wild details of your bachelor party in Vegas from last weekend or your escapades on Bourbon Street. You never know who is just “lurking” silently waiting for the meeting to start.

As soon as you dial into the conference line, assume the call is live and that everyone who has the passcode can hear you.

Because they can.OOPS! Sorry!

Texting is for Informal Conversations

Informal-Conversations@HighTexting, Facebook, Snapchat, Slack, email, phone calls, letters, notes, Twitter — the list goes of ways we all communicate every day today – there are days when we use all of these.  Some are for informal conversations – others are for cover-your-butt evidence. It’s important to know which communication method you should use for different types of conversations.

For the most part — keep formal conversations off of your Text or IM. What’s formal? Accepting a job, negotiating a salary, quitting a job, registering a complaint — things that require keeping in order to move them forward. Resist the urge to take the short way out  and type out an email without shortcuts (IMHO, TY, ICYMI, etc.) or make a phone call. Trust us, this goes a long way in creating a professional, positive impression.

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